My Reading Life: Themes of Communism

A couple of months ago I read this:

And not all that long after, I read this:

Now, both of these novels have really sparked my interest in reading more about life in the Eastern Bloc, and in the last couple of weeks, I’ve continued with this theme, reading:

And, most recently:

I’m not tiring of this theme at all. So much so, I’ve jumped right into:

I also have this on my #tbr:

And even though I prefer to stick with fiction, I feel compelled to read this one:

Any other suggestions for me, in keeping with this era and setting? Fiction is preferable, but certainly suggest non-fiction if you’ve read something excellent that you think I shouldn’t leave out. I’m sure this obsession will run its course eventually, but at present, it feels as though it’s just gaining momentum.

8 thoughts on “My Reading Life: Themes of Communism

  1. Home is Nearby is outstanding. And I’ve got Stasiland and The Secrets We Kept on my upcoming TBR. I’ll look into the other books you mentioned, and for more books in this category too.

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  2. There are all kinds of loose threads. Early in the book she’s in Prague and she notices something odd: a bunch of people sitting on a seat, and one of them gets up and leaves, and all the others shuffle along and a new person sits on the end.
    And nothing. We don’t find out what they were doing. It’s just a loose thread.
    And there’s a totally unbelievable sex scene between two people who (with good reason) hate each other.

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  3. I must check out the Goldsmith.
    I loved the Parrett and have Confessions in my summer TBR pile. I also haven’t read Stasiland (are we the only two bloggers who haven’t read it?!) and have it in the summer reading stack.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Quite possibly! I bought it and it’s there now waiting, nearish to the top of the pile. I’m pretty certain you’d like the Goldsmith, especially given you loved the Parrett. Not the same, but with similar echoes. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on Confessions.


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