May: Read, Listen, Watch, Repeat…


Laid out like this, it certainly looks like a quiet reading month. All three of these were exceptionally good reads though, so once again, quality wins out over quantity.

Like Fire-Hearted Suns was quite a long read, over 400 pages, so it did take me the better part of a week and a half to finish. I gave it five stars because it was such an expansive novel in all ways: character, story, and setting. It spanned decades and gave so much in terms of political history, yet never once was it heavy going. This one is exceptional historical fiction and one that I recommend highly. Thanks to Ultimo Press for this one.

Ordinary Human Love was a deep dive into grief and love. I enjoyed this one immensely, it had so much heart and so much raw emotion poured into it. I gave it four stars instead of five only by a margin. I’m keen to read more by Melissa Goode, she writes so beautifully. I loved the setting as well as the characters in this one. Highly recommended, particularly for book clubs. Thanks to Ultimo Press for this one.

Backwaters is my latest #AYearofNZLit read. Set in contemporary New Zealand, it’s an exploration of identity. The main character is born in New Zealand with Chinese heritage and has always resisted being labelled as Chinese. Over the course of the novel she faces her own internalised racism about her Chinese heritage and deep dives into her own family history via a diary from her Great-great-grandfather, who migrated to New Zealand with the first Chinese men, who came over alone to work and send money back to their families. This is a quiet, gentle exploration of heritage, the bonds of family, and identity. I gave it four stars and believe it would make for a great book club selection. Thanks to Text Publishing for this one.


Two five-star audio books this month!

Jessica Dettman never fails to deliver on a terrific story, but This Has Been Absolutely Lovely was the first one of hers I have listened to instead of reading. It was narrated with perfection and was a truly enjoyable and entertaining listen.

The Bee Sting is the longest audio book I have ever committed to, 25 hours long. My usual audio books range from 8 to 12 hours, as is my preference. However, this was an incredible novel. The story itself is amazing, but the audio book had multiple narrators, which made for an excellent listening experience, particularly towards the end when the perspectives began to rapidly switch back and forth. I loved The Bee Sting so much, that before reaching the end of it, I had purchased a paperback copy. I very rarely buy a book in more than one format, but I have an urge to read this one now that I’ve listened to it. Needless to say, I recommend The Bee Sting highly.


General tiredness and a head cold throughout May led to an increase in watching TV. It happens, sometimes you’re in the mood for reading, other times you’re in the mood for watching.

The Three Body Problem was very interesting, often confusing, but still weirdly easy to remain invested in. I watched this with M, who has actually been reading the books – it’s a trilogy. This made for a nice change whereby I was watching an adaptation of something he had read instead of the other way around. (Netflix)

High Country is one of the latest in Aussie Crime Noir. Absolutely brilliant TV. A cast of excellent Australian actors, a gripping storyline with an unexpected twist, and the most magnificent setting, in the Victorian high country. Quality viewing. (Binge)

Barbie just so much fun and really very clever. I couldn’t stop laughing. Well done to the creators and the actors for this one. (Netflix and Binge)

After the Flood is a new British crime drama from the makers of Happy Valley. Only six episodes make up this gripping series, but the creators have made the most of every minute with this one. I really enjoyed the storyline, both the main crime story and the environmental disaster sub story. Set in Northern England with terrifically well cast. (BritBox)

Bridgerton the first four episodes of the latest season were released this month, with the remaining four to come mid-June. This was an enjoyable instalment in the ongoing series, it was fast paced this time, reaching the romance climax (pun intended – those who have watched will know) at the end of the fourth episode. (Netflix)

Rosehaven is a very funny Australian series from a few years ago. There are five seasons, each season around 8 episodes and each episode runs for about 22 minutes. It’s set in a small town in Tasmania and is just good watching, very funny at times, silly at others, but overall, highly enjoyable. M and I started watching separately but have caught up with each other and now watch it together. (Prime and ABC iView)

The Great British Sewing Bee I am still watching and thoroughly loving this show. I’m up to season 6 now. I find it incredibly relaxing to watch during the working week before bed. It’s wholesome, interesting, entertaining, and inspiring. I’m definitely hooked!


That’s May all done and dusted. Stay warm as the weather cools and good reading to you all as we head into winter.

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