#TBT: What I was reading on this day five years ago…

According to Goodreads, on this day five years ago, I was reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. According to The American Library Association, Speak was one of the Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books between 2000 to 2009. It’s a vitally important novel and one I highly recommend.

Have you read it? In 2004 a film adaptation was released which I have also seen. Both the novel and the film offer a range of talking topics for parents of teens.

10 thoughts on “#TBT: What I was reading on this day five years ago…

    • Thanks! Just a bit of fun to look back. I’m also noticing significant shifts in my reading habits too which is interesting to note. Not so much with books like this one, but while scrolling back, I see some very different types of books that I don’t normally go anywhere near now.


  1. Fancy that! Shame on me for being so lazy with my Goodreads archive, otherwise I’d go back and check mine out too 😅 I’ve not read Speak, but any book that gets banned or challenged goes straight on my TBR! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, just scrolling back through the read shelf. I was hoping you might pop up with an easier method as you know Goodreads better than me! I’ve poked around to see if you can search your own shelves by date, but if it exists, I can’t see it. It would be easier if I had created yearly shelves, but I only do that for AWW and Book Bingo.


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