The Week That Was…

My African Violet is fully blooming now with more buds opening each day. Amazing the change over the last three weeks since the buds first appeared.


What I’ve been watching:

I am really enjoying this adaptation of Liane Moriarty’s Nine Perfect Strangers. Just as out there as the book was! Nicole Kidman’s performance is excellent (as is her wardrobe for the role!!). Asher Keddie’s American accent is pretty bad but other than that she’s brilliant. Overall, the cast is very good and giving some really terrific performances. Michael Shannon is outstanding as Napoleon. The finale airs this week!


Joke of the week:


What I’ve been reading:


Oh alright! I didn’t forget him…this week Zeus went to the beach for the first time. He stripped a coconut, chased waves, walked and walked and walked, and then slept for hours after. A bit like a toddler at the beach! He rates it 5 stars and intends on returning.


Until next week… 😊☕📚

10 thoughts on “The Week That Was…

  1. We’ll have to agree to disagree on Nine Perfect Strangers! Granted, I haven’t read the book, but I’m just finding it all a bit ridiculous. Funnily, I watched the seventh episode and thought that was where the whole thing ended – my first thought was “Well, that was a dark ending!” 😀 The character of Napolean is the most interesting, particularly his grieving for his son (“Reason is no match for pain….” and “The bud of malignancy is blame.” ).
    Worries me a little bit that the story makes light of micro-dosing which, under strict conditions can have excellent therapeutic outcomes. There’s been lots of work in getting this safely administered by highly trained practitioners – I do wonder if this kind of portrayal sets things back in terms of making it an option for people who could benefit (most commonly extreme trauma survivors, often associated with war or one-off events).
    Okay, rant over! Good work on the violet – I have only ever kept one alive and that was years ago, kept on my desk at work. It got a lot of water because I’d tip my leftovers on it each day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I feel like without the context of the book, the show would appear indeed ridiculous. I mean, it really is, even with the book, to be honest. I remember the book really divided readers and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t feel like the characters were outraged enough about being drugged without their consent. It’s something that would really affect me and their acceptance was a sticking point. There’s some very dark moments, particularly with the family who has lost their son and these have been acted really well. Your comments make me think though, as I don’t know much about microdosing as therapy. I feel like these people are more out of it than those who are being microdosed would be? I mean, they’re pretty high in episode 6. I understand where you’re coming from as I view this show as entertaining in an absurd sort of way and the portrayal here doesn’t instil confidence in the therapy, for sure!
      I can’t take too much credit for the violet, it has to be some sort of coincidence of placement that has very little to do with my not so green thumbs.


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